Dr. Jeffrey Carver
James R. Cudworth Professor, Graduate Program Director
- 2113 Cyber Hall
- phone (205) 348-9829
- Faculty Website
Research Areas
- Ph.D., Computer Science , University of Maryland, 2003
- B.S., Computer Science , Louisiana State University, 1997
Dr. Jeffrey Carver’s overall research goal is improving the quality and reliability of software through the use of empirical software engineering, which seeks to provide concrete data, observations, and evidence to support decision-making. He is primarily concerned with the human aspects of software engineering. As such, his research focuses on developing, measuring, and improving processes and tools that will increase software quality with respect to certain attributes, such as cost, correctness, reliability, and security. Empirical software engineering techniques also allow researchers and practitioners to gather information to provide a deeper understanding of the context(s) in which techniques and methods are most useful.
Carver’s specific research interests include science of security research, software security, human errors in software engineering, software engineering for science, and human factors in FLOSS. He has active funding in these areas from the National Science Foundation and the National Security Agency. He has published related research in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, the Empirical Software Engineering journal, IEEE Software, Computing in Science and Engineering, the International Conference on Software Engineering, and the International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.
He serves on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, the Empirical Software Engineering journal, IEEE Software, Computing in Science and Engineering, Information and Software Technology, and Software Quality Journal.
Affiliated Areas
Computer Science
Selected Publications
- Eduardo Caballero-Espinosa, Jeffrey C. Carver, and Kimberly Stowers, “Community Smells — The Sources of Social Debt: A Systematic Literature Review”, Information and Software Technology Journal, (2022)
- Nasir Eisty and Jeffrey C. Carver, “Testing research software: a survey”, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 138, (2022)
- Jeffrey C. Carver, Nic Weber, Karthik Ram, Sandra Gesing, and Daniel S. Katz, “A survey of the state of the practice for research software in the United States”, PeerJ Computer Science, Vol. 8, pp. e963, (2022)
- Nasir Eisty and Jeffrey C. Carver, “Developers perception of peer code review in research software development”, Empirical Software Engineering Vol. 27, (2022)
- Sarah Heckman, Jeffrey C. Carver, Mark Sherriff, and Ahmed Al-Zubidy, “A Systematic Literature Review of Empiricism and Norms of Reporting in Computing Education Research Literature”, ACM Transactions on Computing Education Vol. 22, pp. 1-46, (2021)
Awards and Honors
- President's Faculty Research Award, The University of Alabama, 2016
Dr. Carver's Impact

UA Professors, Student Develop Cyber Security Curriculum for U.S. Civil Air Patrol
During her freshman year of college, Lacey Wicks was doing something many people do: making an online purchase. Soon afterwards, she started noticing unfamiliar charges to her credit card and...

UA CyberSeed Program Funds More Campus Research
Four promising research projects received funding from Year 2 of The University of Alabama Cyber Initiative’s CyberSeed program, part of the UA Office for Research and Economic Development.

Four projects receive funding from University of Alabama CyberSeed program
Four promising research projects received funding from the University of Alabama CyberSeed program, part of the UA Office for Research and Economic Development. The pilot seed-funding program promotes research across disciplines...