Research is a critical component of our mission as the flagship university in this state, and the College of Engineering is working to increase research support for our faculty and to invest in new facilities and equipment.
Our centers span a variety of areas from cybersecurity to transportation, we’re making sure that our research efforts continue to make a hands-on difference with our students and communities.
The College of Engineering
Partners in Research

UA Part of National Effort to Turn Research into Economic Growth
The University of Alabama is one of 18 institutions across the nation chosen for the first-ever investment to accelerate the translation of academic research into solutions with societal and economic impact that grow the nation’s economy.

UA to Bolster Nation’s Workforce in Precision Timing
A one-of-a-kind graduate program at The University of Alabama will pave the way for highly skilled professionals to enter the ranks of the critical field of precision timing. With nearly $3 million in support from the National Science Foundation, UA is offering 24 graduate school fellowships.

With EPA Funding, UA Students to Assess Well Water
A student-led team from The University of Alabama has received a federal award for its research and efforts to help private well owners in Alabama predict and identify the risk of water contamination after flooding.

UA Partners with Air Force to Explore Space Innovation
Researchers at The University of Alabama are exploring how a single spacecraft could service several satellites orbiting the Earth in one trip, potentially extending the mission of the satellites.

UA Sees Major Increases in R&D Partnerships with Industry
Over the past three years, annual funding from industry partners with The University of Alabama increased nearly 500%, creating opportunities for students while bringing innovation and job growth to the state.

UA Leading Effort For Stronger, Greener Concrete
Engineering researchers received $2.75 million in federal support to scale up a patent-pending innovation that uses carbon dioxide to strengthen concrete.

UA Awarded $360 Million to Lead National Water Effort
With transformative support of up to $360 million over the next five years from the federal government, The University of Alabama is poised to become a standard bearer in translating water research into operations that improve the nation’s ability to predict water-related hazards and effectively manage water resources.

UA Selected for U.S. Cyber Command Network
UA has been selected as one of only 84 charter members of the U.S. Defense Department’s Cyber Command (CYBERCOM) Academic Engagement Network. This is a tremendous accomplishment that solidifies the…
Research’s Where, What, and Who
Alabama IMaDE
The premier hub for multidisciplinary research and education in intelligent and advanced manufacturing systems and processes.
If you can’t find the information you need, contact Dr. Tim A. Haskew, Associate Dean for Research and Economic Development.

Featured Equipment
The college is home to many state of the art machines, below are a few our students and faculty work with every day.
The Metal Casting and Solidification Research Facility, known as the foundry, is equipped with three induction furnaces for melting cast iron, steel, brass, bronze and aluminum-based alloys.
Debris Cannon
The Debris Cannon Laboratory is home to the world’s only quad-barrel debris cannon. It can independently or simultaneously launch wooden 2x4s from each of its four barrels at more than 200 mph.
Wind Tunnel
Located in the Wind Hazard Simulation Testing Laboratory, the wind tunnel has a 21-foot test section with a 5-foot by 5-foot cross-section and can generate a maximum wind speed of 45 mph.
The Alabama Atomization Facility houses a HERMIGA 75/5 VI gas atomizer that can produce metal powders.
Earthquake Simulation Shake Table
This impressive machine is capable of exciting a 40,000-pound payload to a peak acceleration of 1.2g and tests how various structures respond to seismic activity.
Chassis Dynamometer
This unique mechanical device measures the power output of front, rear or four-wheel-drive vehicles up to 14,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.
The Gleeble 3500 thermomechanical tester uses resistance heating to simultaneously heat samples to temperatures up to 3,000˚C and rates as high as 10,000˚ C/s.