- 2009 NERC
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Dr. Yang-Ki Hong
E. A. Larry Drummond Endowed Chair of Computer Engineering
- 2009 NERC
- phone (205) 348-7268
- fax (205) 348-6959
- Faculty Website
Research Areas
Dr. Yang-Ki Hong is the E. A. “Larry” Drummond Endowed Chair and Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at The University of Alabama. He serves as the director of NSF IUCRC-UA: Center for Efficient Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation Systems. He received BS and MS (Condensed matter physics: Magnetism) in Physics from Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, and his Ph.D. in metallurgy from the University of Utah in 1981. He graduated from the Program of Management Development (PMD), Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University, Boston, MA, in 1994. Before joining the University of Alabama as the Endowed Chair Professor in 2006, he was a professor of Materials Science & Engineering and an adjunct professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Idaho, and Sr. Vice President of the R&D Division of OCI Company, Ltd., Seoul, South Korea.
Dr. Hong served on the program committee of the IEEE International Magnetics Conference (InterMAG) and International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM, AIP) and chaired many sessions of these conferences. He was the publication committee chair for the IEEE International Conference on Microwave Magnetics 2016 and a member of the technical committee of the IEEE Magnetics Society (2012 -2017). He is a senior editorial board member of IEEE Magnetics Letters.
Affiliated Areas
Electrical and Computer Engineering