Degree Contact:
Graduate Application Deadlines
UA Catalog Listing Graduate School Listing Degree WorksThe Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering offers a master of science in metallurgical engineering.
The program options include coursework only or by a combination of coursework and approved thesis work. Most on-campus students supported on assistantships are expected to complete an approved thesis on a research topic.
Plan I is the standard master’s degree plan. However, in exceptional cases, a student who has the approval of his or her supervisory committee may follow Plan II. A student who believes there are valid reasons for using Plan II must submit a written request detailing these reasons to the department head no later than midterm of the first semester in residence.
All graduate students, during the first part and the last part of their programs, will be required to satisfactorily complete MTE 595/MTE 596. This hour of required credit is in addition to the other degree requirements.
If you have any questions about the metallurgical engineering graduate program, contact Dr. Ruigang Wang.