Dr. Qiang Huang
Associate Professor
- 3036 NERC
- phone (205) 348-4581
- Faculty Website
- Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University, 2004
- B.S., Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 1997
Dr. Qiang Huang’s group focuses on developing electrochemical technologies to fabricate new materials and structures for applications in electronics and renewable energy. The current research interests include
– New chemistries for electrochemical fabrication processes
– Superconducting films and structures for quantum applications
– Alternative metals for advanced interconnects in semiconductor circuits
– Numerical simulation of electrochemical deposition in semiconductor packaging
Affiliated Areas
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Selected Publications
- Electrodeposition of Rhenium with Suppressed Hydrogen Evolution from Water-in-salt Electrolyte, Huang and T. W. Lyons, Electrochemistry Communication, 93, 53 (2018).
- Chemically Strengthened Glasses and the Method of Making the Same, Huang, K. Rodbell, and A. Sahin, US Patent 9,890,075 (2018).
- Electrodeposition of Manganese Thin Films on a Rotating Disk Electrode from Choline Chloride – Urea Based Ionic Liquids, W. D. Sides and Huang, Electrochimica Acta, 266, 185 (2018).
- Electrochemical Formation of Freestanding 3D Structures using Injection of Additives, Huang, R. Gyorgak, R. Pak, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 164, D737, (2017).
- Effects of Cyclohexane- Monoxime and Dioxime on the Electrodeposition of Cobalt, T. W. Lyons and Huang, Electrochimica Acta, 245, 309 (2017).
Awards and Honors
- NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 2020
- IBM Research Division Accomplishment Award, IBM, 2013
- IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, IBM, 2014
- NSF CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 2020
Dr. Huang's Impact

Four UA Professors Selected for Early Career Awards
Four professors at The University of Alabama this academic year received national recognition early in their careers for leading-edge research that will advance knowledge and enhance the educational experience.

Two UA Technologies Part of National Start-Up Program
Two innovative projects at The University of Alabama are part of a national program aimed to help take technology from the lab to the market.

Randall Outstanding Undergrad Research Awards Recognize Innovation
The Randall Outstanding Undergraduate Research Award Program recognizes the best research activity conducted by undergraduate students at The University of Alabama.