As one of the first five universities in the nation to offer engineering instruction, The University of Alabama College of Engineering has long been a leader in engineering and computer science education. Today, more than 185 years after its founding, the College continues to see exponential growth in its student population and research activities. To sustain this growth, both the recruitment and retention of renowned faculty remain at the forefront of the College’s priorities.
In the spring of 2023, the Hewson Family Foundation bolstered the College’s efforts by pledging a $300,000 gift to establish the Hewson Engineering Faculty Fellows awards. Through the program, the College will award 20 faculty members over the next three years. In addition, the gift will also generate an opportunity to enhance retention efforts by recognizing exceptional work among existing faculty members and providing them resources to support their ongoing research.
“We are grateful for the generosity of the Hewson family and their continued support,” said Dr. Clifford Henderson, dean of the College of Engineering. “As a result of their gift, we have the ability to be more nationally competitive in making job offers, which will allow us to attract the best and brightest new faculty and positively impact the future success of our College.”
New and existing faculty members who are selected as fellows of the program will receive a $5,000 stipend each year for three years, for a total of $15,000. Stipends will be used at the fellows’ discretion to support critical components of their role such as research activities and participation in conferences.
“Contributions like the Hewson Foundation’s enhance the College’s prestige as it recognizes and promotes excellent faculty work,” said Jenny Pyle, associate senior director of development for the College of Engineering. “This gift strategically supports the College by celebrating and supporting rising faculty stars who will both advance our research profile and also serve as inspiration and motivation to the students they educate in our classrooms.”
While the stipends will open the door to numerous career advancement opportunities for the award recipients, the Hewson family hopes the impact of the awards will extend far beyond the fellows and propel the overall advancement of the College.
“As a family, our giving through the Hewson Family Foundation is primarily focused on education because we believe it is transformative and empowering,” said Marillyn Hewson. “By donating to the UA College of Engineering, we hope to enhance the recruitment and retention of outstanding engineering faculty, as they are the cornerstone of a high-quality education. It’s clear that accomplished faculty bring cutting-edge knowledge, deep experience, and innovative research that will enhance students’ educational experiences and improve their job prospects. We hope our gift will extend and strengthen the impact of the College of Engineering for many years to come.”
The inaugural class of Hewson Engineering Faculty Fellows was selected in January 2024 and includes Dr. Bineet Ghosh, Dr. Sevgi Gurbuz, Dr. James Harris, Dr. Chongze Hu, Dr. Matthew Kasemer, Dr. Gregory Kubacki, Dr. Lina Pu and Dr. Zhongyang Wang.


Dr. Ziyang Huang
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Ziyang Huang is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research aims to address the emerging demand for advanced computational fluid dynamics tools for multiphase flows with moving and deforming interfaces, and his work enables accurate predictions for scientific and engineering challenges to foster a deeper understanding of multiphase physics. Huang developed the consistent and conservative phase-field method for flow problems including an arbitrary number of different phases with large density ratios, heat and mass transfer, and phase changes and shocks, advancing CFD for both low-speed and high-speed multiphase flows.

Dr. Nilesh Kumar
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Dr. Nilesh Kumar is an assistant professor in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. His research revolves around the common theme of establishing a correlation among processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of metallic materials used across industries. Kumar received an NSF
CAREER Award in 2024 and the title of AIST Foundation Steel Professor by the Association for Iron & Steel Foundation in 2022. To date, Kumar has published 46 papers in peer-reviewed journals, co-authored four books and contributed four book/ handbook chapters. He was also the 2019-2020 recipient of the Kent D. Peaslee Junior Faculty Award by the AIST Foundation.

Dr. Mesfin Mekonnen
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Mesfin Mekonnen is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, where he leads the water security research group. He is affiliated with the Center for Complex Hydrosystems Research, the Center for Water Quality and the Center for Sustainable Infrastructure. Mekonnen’s research interest is in understanding the relationship between human and natural systems to ensure the sustainability of freshwater resources. He has published over 70 highly cited peer-reviewed articles in premier journals, including Science, Nature and PNAS. He received the Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher Award in 2021 and 2022 for being among the top 1% of cited researchers within their fields. He also serves on the editorial board of Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.

Dr. Md Rayhanur Rahman
Department of Computer Science
Dr. Md Rayhanur Rahman is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science. His research interests involve software engineering and cybersecurity, mining actionable intelligence from open-source knowledge bases for software, and security practitioners to design proactive defenses. His research has been published at top venues such as the International Conference on Data Mining, the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, the Empirical Software Engineering Journal, ACM Computing Surveys, and the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution.

Dr. Mizan Rahman
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Mizan Rahman is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering and the director of the Connected and Automated Mobility Laboratory. His research focuses on cyber-physical systems, digital twins and cybersecurity. Rahman has received multiple federally funded projects from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. In 2024, he received an NSF Career Award for his work that addresses both unintentional interference and deliberate cyber threats to autonomous vehicle navigation systems.

Dr. H. Hohyun Sun
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Dr. H. Hohyun Sun is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. After earning his Ph.D., he joined the Army Research Laboratory as a Harry Diamond Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, where he studied energy materials. His research interests are at the intersection of chemical engineering and materials science, with a focus on battery materials as a medium to establish a renewable energy landscape. Sun is a highly published and cited researcher.

Dr. Shunqiao Sun
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Shunqiao Sun is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests lie at the intersection of statistical and sparse signal processing and mathematical optimizations, automotive radar, MIMO radar, machine learning, and smart sensing for autonomous vehicles. Sun received an NSF CAREER Award in 2024 for his work in developing a high-resolution, adaptive radar imaging system. He also won the NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering Research Initiation Initiative Award in 2022, as well as multiple awards for his thesis and other publications. Sun serves as an associate editor for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Signal Processing Letters and Open Journal of Signal Processing.

Dr. Tibor Szilvási
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Dr. Tibor Szilvási is an assistant professor and graduate program coordinator for the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. His research aims to understand and improve catalytic reactions, to identify functional soft materials, and to design complex interfaces for energy and sensor applications using computational methods and protocols for material design. Szilvási received an NSF CAREER Award for his work using high-performance computational screening to identify optimal catalyst structures, compositions and kinetics to increase overall activity, selectivity and stability. He also won the Outstanding Research Impact Award for the department in 2024, the Early Career Research Excellence and Innovation Award for the College in 2024 and the President’s Faculty Research Award for the University in 2022.

Dr. Redha Wahidi
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Dr. Redha Wahidi is an assistant professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics. He specializes in experimental fluid dynamics with basic and applied research interests in unsteady flows, high-speed aerodynamics and flow control. His current research projects focus on unsteady vortex-body interaction and three-dimensional shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions. Wahidi explores the flow physics of the interaction of large-scale vortices with oscillating wings to help improve the performance of helicopter rotors and turbine blades. He conducts the experiments in water tunnel and subsonic wind tunnel facilities and uses three-dimensional particle image velocimetry to obtain high-fidelity measurements of the flow field. Wahidi’s work has been published in numerous journals and scientific publications.

Dr. Zhou “Joe” Yu
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Zhou “Joe” Yu is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research focuses on multiscale simulations, including density functional theory calculations, molecular dynamics simulations, continuum modeling and machine learning techniques on advanced functional materials. He specifically studies the structure-property-performance relationships in novel battery electrolytes, including liquid electrolytes and polymer electrolytes and electrochemistry, fluid mechanics interfacial and transport phenomena involved in energy storage and conversion processes. Yu has had his work published in notable publications such as the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation and the Journal of Materials Chemistry.

Dr. Mingfei Zhao
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Dr. Mingfei Zhao is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. Zhao specializes in understanding and manipulating hierarchical molecular and colloidal self-assembly through computational modeling for the rational design of bioinspired functional nanomaterials. Her research leverages advanced computational techniques, including macroscale multiphase fluid-particle dynamics simulations, mesoscale coarse-grained molecular simulations and microscale all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, to address key challenges in chemical engineering, materials engineering and bioengineering. Her current research focuses on the application of peptoids in biomedical and biochemical applications. In 2022, Zhao received the FOMMS Early Career Researcher Award from the U.S. Department of Energy.