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Photo of Sumin Beasley not available.

Sumin Beasley

Software Scientist II

Cyber Hall   /   Send email

Picture of Dr. Forooza Samadi

Dr. Forooza Samadi

Assistant Professor, Assistant Director of the Alabama Industrial Assessment Center

Research Areas

216 Hardaway Hall   /   (205) 348-3823   /   Send email

Picture of David Sandel

David Sandel

Associate Manager CAPS Product Line

2101 Cyber   /   (205) 348-6010   /   Send email

Photo of Claud Santiago not available.

Claud Santiago

Environmental Consultant, Safe State Environmental Programs

N/A   /   (205) 348-3747   /   Send email

Picture of Dr. Edward Sazonov

Dr. Edward Sazonov

Cudworth Professor of Engineering, Associate Department Head for Graduate Programs

Research Areas

3029E South Engineering Research Center   /   (205) 348-1981   /   Send email

Picture of Dr. Christopher Schemel

Dr. Christopher Schemel

Safe State Executive Director, Professor

Research Areas

1408 University Hall   /   Send email   /   Visit Website

Picture of Radley Scott

Radley Scott

Research Engineer, Alabama IMaDE

170 Paty Hall   /   (205) 348-0759   /   Send email

Photo of Morgan Scott not available.

Morgan Scott

Admin Specialist

2028 H.M. Comer   /   (205) 348-3239   /   Send email

Picture of Dr. Krishna Shah

Dr. Krishna Shah

Assistant Professor

3015 South Engineering Research Center   /   (205) 348-4978   /   Send email   /   Visit Website

Picture of Dr. James Sheehan

Dr. James Sheehan

Assistant Professor

Research Areas

3010 North Engineering Research Center   /   (205) 348-6619   /   Send email   /   Visit Website

Picture of Dr. Jinwei Shen

Dr. Jinwei Shen

Associate Professor

Research Areas

215 Hardaway   /   (205) 348-4216   /   Send email

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